与蛇共舞的热辣性感张曼玉《Look in My Eyes》超清MP4下载

与蛇共舞的热辣性感张曼玉《Look in My Eyes》超清MP4下载

自导自演自剪的首支个人单曲MV《Look In My Eyes》。后朋克+电子风的迷幻唱腔昭示着女神前卫的音乐品味,而在这部长达5分45秒的豪华MV中,52岁的张曼玉性感露脐、露背、露长腿,大跳蛇舞,缠绵起伏的胴体、充满欲望的眼神令人喷血……简直与曾经大银幕上的青春玉女形象判若两人!

与蛇共舞的热辣性感张曼玉《Look in My Eyes超清MP4下载.mp4: https://url42.ctfile.com/f/44708242-1345387727-971261?p=3480 (访问密码: 3480)


Once in a while, I could disappear
Once in a while, I make myself clear
Once in a while, I fix you with my stare
Once in a while, I’ll hide behind my hair

Look in my eyes
Look in my eyes
Look in my eyes
Look in my eyes

Look in my eyes, let’s get things straight
Slow down the lies, it’s too late…
Since you’ve been gone, I love how I want
Without you there I’m no longer wrong
Standing alone has made my head strong
Finding myself, I finally belong

Once in a while, I would reappear
Once in a while, I drown in my fear
Once in a while, I can be everywhere
Once in a while, I’ll seem like I don’t care

Look in my eyes, let’s get things straight
Slow down the lies, it’s too late…
Since you’ve been gone, I love how I want
Without you there I’m no longer wrong
Standing alone has made my head strong
Finding myself, I finally belong

Look in my eyes
Let’s get things straight
Slow down the lies
It’s too late

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